SO Achievement in 34 Years
Working for a better tomorrow
Established in: 1989

Who we are?
“Provision of good quality services in the health, education and women ecomonic empowerment sectors. To this end, SO has a common slogan which says “working for a better tomorrow”.
“The SO vision is to strive to see an aware, prosperous and healthy society in Afghanistan through providing high quality services in line with the principles of rule of law, social justice, peace and non-discrimination.”
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Gender Sensitivity
- Professionalism
- Excellence
SO Geographical Coverage
Note: Hover your mouse on a highlighted province to see list of projects.
Our Services and Achievements
5.8 Millions
Overall, 5,847,132 individuals benefited from health services in 34 years.
Human Rights
1.5 Millions
Overall, 1,592,021 individuals were benefited from human/women rights over 34 years.
Humanitarian Aid Supports
226,038 Thousands
A number of 226,038 vulnerable Afghan people have been covered by the SO humanitarian aid programs.
Capacity Building
30 Thousands
Overall, 30,921 individuals benefited from capacity building over 34 years.
226,038 Thousands
A number of 226,038 individuals were benefited by the SO educational projects since its establishment.
Women Economic Empowerment
7634 Thousands
Overall, 7634 people have benefited from women economic empowerment projects until the end of 2022.
Child Protection
387 Child
A number of 387 child were supported with appropriate accommodation, food, education and health service.
Total Beneficiaries
6,3 Millions
A total number of 6,329,635 people have benefited from our projects since the establishment of the organization.
SO was evaluated by Afghanistan Ministry of Economy (MoE) and was awarded with a certification of appreciation on excellent performance for strict consideration of NGO’s Law, regular reporting system, implementation of projects in close coordination with relevant sectors in the field, facilitating and providing correct information for the M&E team of the Ministry and for fully satisfaction of project beneficiaries. See attached the copy of the certificate.